2019. február 28. írta: bszabi74


About me

Born in Budapest,Hungary in 1974.

Art studies:
1986-1994: Art camp,free school,Encs.
1995-1998: Ferenczy studio, Zilahy studio
Master: Gyula Gulyas,sculptor.

Solo exhibitions

- 1995 Libri bookstore,Kálvin square,Bp.

- 1997 Bodza Gallery ,Bp.

- 1998 St.Stephan Basilic,Bp.

- 1999 Budapest Blue Cafe,Bp

- 2001 Art du Monde Gallery Bp

- 2002 Art du Monde Gallery ,Bp

- 2012 The power of the square ,Gallery IX,Bp.

- 2013 Enclosed planes, Art9 Gallery,Bp.

- 2014 Gallery IX.Bp.

-2017 Horizontal Univers,Byart GalleryBp.

-2018 Circular Cycle, Art9 Gallery,Bp.

-2018 ,Cross section,K28 Gallery,Bp.

Group exhibitions:

- 1989 Mini Gallery, Encs

- 1993 „The greeting of the Master”,Kassák Museum,Bp.

- 1995 Zilahy studio Report exhibition,Bp.

-International Mail-art,Kaposvár

- „Visual month”BMK,Bp

- 1996 Zilahy studio Report exhibition Bp.

- International Mail-art,Szombathely

- 1997 International Mail-art,Kaposvár

- 1998 International Mail-art,Bp

- 1999 International Mail-art,Capua,Italy

-International Mail-art,Miskolc

- 2000 XIV.Summer show ,Debrecen

- „Time Bridge 2000”Masters&Servants,Art Mill,Szentendre

- „Spatial draws”Nádor Gallery,Bp.

- „Panorama ”Vigadó Gallery,Bp.

- „Cross,Kaposvár

- „Corpus Regni”MűvészetMalom,Szentendre

- 2001 „Art Budapest” ,Hungexpo

- International Mail-art,Ostrence,Italy

- „Orbis Pictus”,Veszprém

- 2003 XVII.Winter show

- 2012 „MiniatureFest Kaposvár

- 2012 „Miniature Fest”Nagybánya,Transilvania

- 2012 Artspace,Bakelit studio,Bp.

- 2012 quARTet,Gallery IX-XI(Sensaria)

- 2015 TwitterArt,Norway

- 2015 Miniature exhibition Kaposvár

- 2015 Convergenza Frattale, PalazzinadellaCultura,Daverio.Italy(Baráth,Botos,Budahelyi,Fábián.Halmi-


- 2016 Imago et Aspectus,Galleria Civica,Monza

-2018 Wild Art show

-2018 Pure forms ,Hommage a János Fajó ,K28 Gallery,Bp.

-2018 Contenporary Christmas Fair 2018-APA Gallery

-2018 Third Winter Show K28 Gallery,Bp.

2019 III.Spring Show,K28 Gallery,Bp.

2019 ZiggyArt Fair,Pintér Sonja Gallery,Bp.

2019 Golden Art Price Venice,Queen Art Studio Gallery,Padova

2019 III.Summer Exhibition,K28 Gallery,Bp..


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